Cross Frontend

Frontends (computer programs interacting with users) are everywhere. Even your microwave owen has probably a tiny user interface on its display. It means that we have to define our subject a little bit more precisely to keep these web pages as efficient as possible. We are going to discuss BUSINESS FRONTENDS.

These are all those programs with menus, dialogs, forms and data sheets. Usually, such applications are customized for a specific agenda and company. Business frontends are well-known, but not always well-developed.

We hope to deliver a useful definition, how a good business frontend should look like. And we also offer here a very specific methodology for those who are interested in development of business frontends. We believe that content of this portal can be useful for users writting specifications for developers as well as for programmers themselves.

It seems to be obvious that all qualities of a business frontend are platform-independent. This is why we chose CROSSFRONTEND name for this portal. And we use the same name for our methodology as well as a set of tools supporting development and maintenance of business frontends.